Pastor Mark Wilkens was born and raised in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. In 1990 he received a B.A. in Theology from Valparaiso University. In 1994 he earned a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary. Pastor Wilkens has served congregations in Illinois, Ohio and Wisconsin. Since November 2008 he has served the as a Vacancy and Intentional Interim Pastor throughout the South Wisconsin District. He is one of 40-50 Intentional Interim Pastors in our church body.

Grace is the thirteenth congregation he has served as an Interim Pastor. Pastor Wilkens was married to Kim Kerpan on August 10, 1991 in Waukegan, Illinois. They met at Valparaiso University. Kim has supplied Mark with much support and encouragement. Kim works for the Kohler School District as a Special Education Aide.

They have two sons and one daughter. Adam is married to Hannah, lives in Fond du Lac, and works in IT. Kevin is married to Melissa, lives in Kohler and works for the US Postal Service. Katie works in Community Development for the City of Cleveland, Ohio. In spare time he enjoys cooking, playing at golf, and minor home projects.

Do you need to talk with Pastor?

Our shepherd is always willing and open to meet with members and non-members of our congregation. If you want to make an appointment, please call the office: (414) 384-3520

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.